Great combined workshop this coming Sunday at SvahaYoga in Amsterdam location Jordaan

Meditation for Beginners plus Restorative Yoga

Sunday June 1st €25,-

15:30-17:45 Meditation for Beginners


18:00-19:30 Restorative Yoga Class

Learn the basics of Meditation followed by our Restorative Yoga Class (optional) as one delicious package… just €25,-

You don't need any previous experience with Meditation or with Yoga simply an interest in starting a meditation/yoga practice!

Introduction to Meditation is taught by Marlene Smits, Restorative Yoga by Heleen.

Meditation is a journey into silence. And it is not hard. Actually, anyone can learn and practice it. During this workshop we will talk about what meditation is and what its benefits are. We go deeper into the mind and its tricks, explore different perspectives of being and experience yogic techniques. You will learn how to choose your practice and how to maintain it. We will be working with breath, sound currents, mindful movement and visualisation techniques.

Marlene Smits is a non dogmatic yoga- & meditation teacher and health coach. For the last 20 years she has been cultivating meditation and yoga practises and spiritual development with different teachers and masters. She combines many different teachings (Buddhist, Vedic, Shamanic, Tantric amongst others) from all over the world into her practise, creating a bridge between modern urban reality and ancient wisdom. She has drawn great inspiration and knowledge from Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, Swami Osho Rajneesh, Swami Rama, Swami Nityananda, Ram Dass, Gurmukh, Harijiwan, Siva Rea and many others. Her great passion is sharing love & light with people, helping them to discover and explore their spirituality as well as promoting and nourishing positive and healthy thoughts and habits, empowering people to take charge of their own happiness.

For Heleen, yoga and real life are very much connected. Both can throw obstacles your way, obstacles you can overcome if you “simply“ keep on breathing calmly. Yoga can make you feel better, both mentally and physically. And developing your skills can go on endlessly, at ever more subtle levels. It´s an ongoing journey. An unexpected leap forward if you think you are stuck in your practise, maybe five steps back if you thought you were just about there: never a dull moment.

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